Wild Almond

Scientific name of Wild Almond: Sterculia Foetida

Name of Wild Almond in different languages:-

English: Bastard Poon Tree, Java Olive Tree, Hazel Sterculia,  Wild Almond Tree

Sanskrit: Vitkhadirah

Hindi: जंगली बादाम Jangli Badam

Malayalam: Poothiyunartthy പുതിയുണർത്തി, Pinar-പിണർ, Pottakkavalam-പൊട്ടക്കാവളം, Peenari-പീനാറി, Malambarathy-മലമ്പരത്തി.

Tamil: Kutiraippitukku

Plant description:

Wild Almond or Poon tree -Sterculia Foetida is a tall deciduous tree with smooth, grey bark that is faintly ridged, branches numerous, whorled, and horizontal, the leaves are elliptical, 9 leaflets, up to 17 cm long, tapered at the end. The flowers are green or purple, large, found in panicles; they are up to 15 cm long. The fruits are red when ripe and contain edible black seeds.

Useful plant parts:

Seed, bark

Leaf Arrangement


Shape-Lanceolate Margin-Entire Venation-Pinnate
 Margin_Entire  Venation-pinnate


Chemical contents: 

Flavonoid glycosides, glucuronide, hypocretin, glucoside, phenylpropanoid, glucose ester, Acetate, and ketone.

Medicinal Properties:


Ayurveda uses of Wild almond

Wild Almond, scientifically known as Terminalia catappa, is a plant that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for various purposes. Here are some of the Ayurvedic uses of Wild Almonds:

1. **Digestive Disorders**: It is believed to aid digestion and is used in remedies for digestive issues like indigestion and flatulence.

2. **Respiratory Health**: Wild Almond is employed in Ayurveda for respiratory conditions like cough and bronchitis.

3. **Skin Conditions**: It is used externally in the form of poultices for certain skin disorders.

4. **Anti-inflammatory**: It is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may be used for conditions involving inflammation.

5. **Wound Healing**: The extracts from Wild Almond leaves or bark are applied externally to promote wound healing.

6. **Antimicrobial**: It is believed to have properties that can help combat infections.

7. **Fever Reduction**: Used as an antipyretic to lower fever.

8. **Anti-diabetic Properties**: Some traditional formulations use Wild Almond for managing diabetes.

9. **Nervine Tonic**: Some formulations use it as a calming or strengthening agent for the nervous system.

10. **Gastrointestinal Health**: It may be used in remedies for various gastrointestinal disorders.

As with any herbal remedy, it’s crucial to consult a qualified healthcare professional before using Wild Almond. While it has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, it’s important to use it under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner, especially considering its potential interactions with other medications and any existing health conditions.

How to prepare medicines:

Wild Almonds is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

Learn more:


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